Diaries Magazine

Lego Inspirations and Pinterest Praise

Posted on the 27 March 2012 by Taveren37 @mjgraham

Every so often I get an email from a website in the States called Online Colleges.
They always include a cool link to one of the interesting posts on their website, and they ask me if I would be so kind as to share it with my readers.
I think that anything education related is interesting and worth reading. So I always say yes! I receive nothing but I think that knowledge and wanting to further your education is a wonderful thing.
1.  The first one is The Learning Power of Lego. I love this page! It has everything you could ever        want to know about that humble little brick.
The Learning Power of LEGO         Via: Online College Advice

2.  The next article is called 48 Great Ways that Homeschoolers are using Pinterest. 48 great                  ideas! Not only for homeschoolers but for everyone.

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