Diaries Magazine

Less Than Favorable Lessons Learned and Avoidance Techniques

Posted on the 29 August 2012 by Simplystephanieblog @StephanieKonar

Over the past several days, I have come to some slightly less than favorable realizations. These include:

  1. I need to work to support my shoe addiction. Will start a finance log and prioritize accordingly. Thou shall not say the “B” (udget) word.
  2. Must stop justifying all impulse purchases. (And then stop justifying the justifications).
  3. Eating gallons of ice cream in the short-term will bring instant gratification, but long-term disappointment.
  4. If I am not happy or creating happiness, then I am wasting my time.
  5. I have never regretted trying something, but I have often regretted not trying.
  6. When I need to do something that I see as a chore (and I’m not talking housework, because I put Cinderella to shame), I am incredibly efficient at avoiding the task at hand. Some of the different avoidance techniques I use include:
  • Singing “A Whole New World,” loudly, and off-key.
  • Capturing Minnie and using her as a dance partner in pretend music video of “A Whole New World.”
  • Upon the conclusion of above mentioned activities, transitioning over to any other Disney song I know. Making pretend music video to accompany new song.
  • Repeat until no Disney songs are left.
  • Defeated, resort to checking Twitter, then FaceBook, then GMail, then Yahoo Mail, then blog stats, then WordPress reader, then youtube, in search of more Disney songs.
  • Recheck all sites listed above while singing along to youtube. Maybe send a tweet or post something on FaceBook, in hope that a conversation will result and thus waste more time.
  • Eat. If full, open fridge and stare at all of the food I would like to eat, but can’t.
  • Read something. Anything.
  • Google first word that comes to mind. Read all about it.
  • Start a blog post. No, I have no idea what I am writing about, but it will come to me.
  • Realize that I am an expert at avoiding, and momentarily contemplate how much I don’t want to do whatever it is that I am intentionally not doing.

Not all truths are convenient, but they still may be somewhat entertaining. Lesson learned, laugh at the “bad” as well as the good.

What are some of your lessons learned? And avoidance techniques? Please tell me I’m not the only one making Disney music videos with their dog…(although I swear she likes it).

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