Self Expression Magazine

Lessons Learned from My Family Vacation…

Posted on the 16 September 2013 by Martinisandminivans @martinisandmini

For the past year, we have been planning a family vacation to the Outer Banks. And last week it finally happened. My husband’s family and ours rented a gorgeous house one block from the ocean and we spent a week playing in the pool, exploring the amazing dunes, climbing lighthouses, and building sandcastles in the sand.

I didn’t mention my vacation prior to going because I’m from New York and we believe that there is always someone trying to rob us at any occasion. So I thought that if my readers found out that I was away, they might want to break into my house and steal my… uhm….my….oh. I just realized that there isn’t any money in our house or large valuables. Hmmm…. might need to rethink that philosophy.

Anyway, there were a few highlights of the trip I thought I’d share. I view them as lessons learned.

#1 – When someone in your family thinks it is funny to turn their bathing suit into a European wiener bikiner, you won’t be able to look away. It’s like a watching that show on MTV where people do stupid stuff and you can’t turn the channel. Don’t believe me? This is what I’m talking about…

sitting in speedo

#2. You will instantly want to run into your husband’s arms and ravish him on the beach when you see him doing this. See, that’s what single men don’t realize. You can actually get laid more if you get marriage and become an awesome dad.

father and son walking on beach

#3. There is no greater moment in parenting that watching your usually very timid and fearful daughter run into the ocean with all her clothes on and love every minute of it. Joy, absolute joy. Of course, as soon as a wave knocked her over it took us four days to get her back into that beloved ocean.

child jumping in ocean

#4. Kids eat change. Even the kid who has been playing with coins for six months will for some reason see a penny in a new light and decide they’d love to find out what it tastes like. And you, as a mother, will then wait for 24-48 hours to see what the poop looks like. It’s a lose-lose for all. The verdict: it looks like poop with a shiny penny in it. And yes, I have a picture of it but for the sake of your stomach, I’ll refrain from posting it. I’m saving it to show his future prom date.

There were many other awesome moments, but those are the few I thought I’d share. The rest I’ll keep to myself for now. However, the story about how I spent a half hour making a mermaid on the beach only for my son to sit on it and ruin it two seconds later might be something that comes up in therapy later in life…

Hope you all had a good week, I now need a vacation to catch up from my vacation.

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