Creativity Magazine

Listen & Red

Posted on the 06 September 2013 by Leah-Jlynn @Leah_Jamielynn

5 Minute Friday


When you see red think about a stop  light. Or a, stop at a sign. Where we have to either look both ways before moving forward. When, I saw that the prompt word for today’s 5 minutes is red. I thought of those right away.As,  sometimes during the day when I’am angry or upset with myself. I need to become aware of what’s happening and take five minutes and stop. Maybe write, like am doing now to get my feelings out.

Perhaps, stop. breathe. and read a verse from the bible. In fact make that the first thought, after finding a quite spot. Maybe, if I, only have seconds to find it. Maybe, I should take that time and  listen to the other side.

Sometimes when I do this, and not all the time I might add. It’s during that time. That I, realize I, might be  fighting the devil’s  battle for him.There by, I’ am  give him two victories. As me and my opposing person fall into it’s  loathsome  level.

However, if it’s a parent or a good friend, I might be fighting with God. So, if I don’t heed for a moment and  listen. I will  again be fighting for the wrong side. So, it’s very important during that time to search that space in my mind.While I seek God’s guidance in Christ.

Perhaps I should try to resolve my outward and inner battles  as peaceful as I can. before simply  stepping away.  Sometimes, I need to stop and realize if I’am in a conflict. That, maybe I’am just a sounding board for someone who needs to vent. And my reaction is fueling them more. Again, this something I need to practice  too. A lot!



and Listen :))))


Hello, it’s 5 Minute Fridays at Lisa Jo Baker’s . The prompt word for our write is “Red”. Come one , come all and follow the link if you’d like to join the fun. See you there.


God bless and have a great day.

Listen & Red

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