What tale will we weave, by first look purposely to deceive. A Picture can tell , a thousand tales, string them all together, to make one real. A million paint strokes and pieces placed together to make a big picture. Is there anything truer, than a simple smile hiding the pain of the miles of the jolly souls that perform before us, in still form?
Is the world our stage or a museum to serve and make our own personal points. Or are we lead by the foully of a jester, who’s being ruled by the shadows deep in the hollows of an unseen mind. Who’s countenance is to be warm and kind.To swoon and watch lover’s play, play out. But, in reality his emotions are in draft.
These are things I see, rather it’s true, or just like the audience in the drawing and figure that’s rarely viewed. I retrace the painting in hopes that my personal points are not true. That it’s simply a picture, with an old song about the tears of a clown as I first perceived.
Story for The Mag at: http://magpietales.blogspot.com/ please come and join the fun and write what you see in this intriguing piece of art :The Circus With the Yellow Clown, 1967, Marc Chagall
Blessing Live Life not like a face in the crowd and spread Peace :) ~Leah
©Leah.J.Lynn 05/20/12