Photo from the National Wildlife Federation website
Happy Top 10 Tuesday, Tucson Songstress friends! It’s the rainy monsoon season in Tucson, and parents are scrambling to find great rainy day activities. Tucson is very much an outdoor community, so when it rains and we’re stuck indoors, it complicates our ebb and flow.
When a monsoon is rolling in, it’s pretty obvious when it’s going to rain. There are rarely surprise showers. So, here’s a really fun musical activity to try that will help your household embrace the monsoons!
Making Rain Music
(1) Gather a variety of metal pots and pans of all sizes and shapes and find a spot to place them outdoors just as it’s about to rain. Near a window is best so you can watch them from the inside of your house.
(2) When it starts to rain, you will hear thuds and pings and all different kinds of sounds coming from the pots and pans depending on their size.
(3) Brave the waters! If there is no thunder and lightening, go outside in the rain to hear the “rain music” more clearly!
The National Wildlife Federation put a step by step instruction called “Make Rain Music” on their family fun page. CLICK HERE to check it out! The NWF is a great resource, and any site that promotes making music outdoors is fantastic in my book!
I hope you have enjoyed today’s Top 10 Tuesday music activity. For a complete list of the musical instruments under $40 that will help to promote music education in the home, click HERE. For an archive of previous Top 10 Tuesday music activities, click HERE. Make sure to check back every Tuesday for some more musical fun, and until next week, play on!