simple things in life make me smile.
1. cats - i just think they're the most demanding, lazy, and diva like creatures that live among us.not unlike, my 11 year old daughter & i love them.
2. sarcasm - nothing serves me up better than a slapstick comment to brighten my day.
i'd like to introduce Milo & Otis.
here's their mom, Lauren.
now why do you ask, am i writing about someone i've never met & her two cats? allow me to explain. you see, as a mother to a pre-teen, my child rarely bothers me (much like a cat), until at the precise moment i become pre-occupied with something else (as heard in the video below).i found it amusing, so i'm sharing.
if you haven't virtually met Lauren, Milo or Otis, i suggest you do.their address is From My Grey Desk. tell em' the E.L.A. sentcha!