Self Expression Magazine

Minivan Shopping – a Strategic Game of Will

Posted on the 27 June 2013 by Martinisandminivans @martinisandmini

use car salesman - compressedSo the time has finally arrived. We are going minivan shopping. Let’s all take a moment of silence in honor of this momentous occasion.

Ok. Now that we have all thanked the Gods of Minivans for this moment, let the games begin. And it truly is a game. There will be two teams (us and them) and each will desperately try to outwit the other. Numbers will be thrown out, names might be called, and in the end, there might be someone chasing us back into the dealership for our business.

Each hopes to win but only one can truly be victorious.

I have waited for this moment for almost five years. As a person who took great pride in mocking those with minivans, imagine my surprise when after my first child was born I actually started to fantasize about them. You can have your fantasies about Brad Pitt and George Clooney, I’m going to keep mine about power remote doors and third row removable seats. You’re getting a little hot with this talk, aren’t you?? Yeah, I know. It’s better than any porn out there.

So now the day has arrived. On Saturday the games will begin. Wish me luck. And if you are looking for me on Sunday, I’ll be the one pronouncing my undying love and affection to my car. Don’t judge.

(photo from

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