Usually on the weekend I have a really hard time staying on track and eating lean, clean and green. More times than not, I snack a lot, eat really greasy, fatty food and drink beer and wine. I go into the weekend saying I am going to stay on track, but always end up falling off the wagon. It’s ok though, because if 5 out of 7 days of the week I am “good”, that is a win in my book. Maybe one day I will gain the will power and resist the weekend munchies!
This Mother’s Day Weekend I ate lots of great food and drank really good cocktails and wine. I actually ate way healthier than normal! I shared some of the pictures in my weekend recap, but for What I Ate Wednesday I wanted to take a deeper dive into my Saturday Eats and share with you all my deliciously fresh Vermont food.
For breakfast I had fresh strawberries and blueberries and a side of coffee!
Lunch salad full of fresh veggies from the CSA, grilled chicken, black bean salsa and Green Mountain Salsa.

We had a BBQ Dinner on the deck and ate fresh grilled burger from a local cow. The DiNaps buy 1/2 a cow once a year and they get enough meat to last most of the year. It is super cool and the meat is also super fresh and organic. I like knowing where my meat comes from but it also kinda of makes me said thinking about the poor cow. Knowing he’s local makes it more personal. Speaking of local, the lettuce for the salad is from the local the CSA, and then for additional sides we had baked beans and under the salad are baked sweet potato fries (those two things weren’t local!)
What I don’t have pictured are the handfuls of almonds and dark chocolate pomegranate seeds, multiple magic bars, wine and second helpings of dinner. But, all and all, it was a great day of super good, healthy foods from Vermont.
What was the best thing you had on Mother’s Day Weekend?
Mother’s Day Weekend Eats full of Vermont fresh foods! #Vermont #cleaneats #WIAW
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