Self Expression Magazine

Music Rules

Posted on the 05 August 2014 by Juliezaz1 @juliezaz1

Happy Top 10 Tuesday, Tucson Songstress Friends!  In Tucson, it’s back-to-school season already, and my own kids start in their classrooms on Thursday.  So I thought today would be a great way to establish some school (or home) rules and refresh their memory with a musical notation lesson at the same time.

First, determine some important rules for school.

–Be respectful
–Be a good listener
–Follow the directions
–Be a participant

Before showing your child what those words look like notated, see if they can write out the notes themselves.


From the “Back To School” Music Pinterest Board. CLICK HERE to view.

Or try the Golden Rule:

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  That is the Golden Rule, and at school we have others.

From the Third Street Music blog

From the Third Street Music blog

Once you’ve come up with some of your own rules and have notated them, take out one of your Top 10 Tuesday musical instruments.  I prefer to use a pitched instrument for this assignment, because you can hold out the notes if you need to.  The recorder is a great instrument to work with since it is used in many school music classes.


Recorders can be purchased in music stores or even some drug stores, but for convenience sake, CLICK HERE to see the listing on

It is not necessary to play any actual notes for this notation lesson, just use the recorder to hold out the notes for as long or as little as the musical notation indicates.  Your child will be well on their way to getting back into the school groove in a very groovy way.

I hope you have enjoyed this week’s Top 10 Tuesday musical activity.  Check back every week for some more musical fun.  For an archive of previous activities, CLICK HERE, and until next Tuesday, play on!

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