I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and got everything you wanted.
I thought I would share what I did over Christmas with you :)
Christmas Eve-For the past couple of years I have been going out with friends on Xmas eve, meaning I have been very hungover on Xmas day, which is no fun at all. But this year, my boyfriend asked me to go and help him do ALL his shopping. In typical man style, he had left absolutely all of it untill Christmas Eve. I was not amused! We went to Westfields in Stratford and it was MENTAL! He was working until 4 and it closed at 6 so the pressure was on to get everything done in about an hour, which we managed, hurrah! Apart from his present to me :( he was going to get me the ipad mini but of course they were sold out everywhere (who tries to buy an ipad on xmas eve?!),which was very disappointing, but hopefully I only have to wait a few days :) Then in the evening I went out to dinner with mum and my stepdad which was lovely. Then went home, wrapped the last of the presents and watched a few films.
Christmas Day- I'm a big kid when it comes to the big day. I still get everyone up early, whack on my Christmas Jumper and race downstairs and sort everyones presents into piles ready to be opened! So true to form, I forced everyone up at 7:30am. I didn't get loads of presents, I think as you get older it gets less and less. But I did get some lovely bits, some dresses which I'd wanted for a while, and some christmas reindeer pajamas. I got some soap and glory products and Body Shop gift sets which smell gorgeous. A cute bracelet. Selfridges vouchers from my nan. and obviously I'm still waiting on the ipad! Around lunchtime we all headed to my aunts house, it was so nice to see the family as I don't see them very often. The food was amazing, and too much wine and sherry was consumed, as you do. Then in the evening we play games like cluedo, bingo and monopoly before heading home.
Boxing Day- This is also my Nan's birthday so we had everyone over to us for yet more food + birthday cake, and alot of wine. After watching a film someone whacked out the Monopoly again, (as you can tell, we are a family of Monopoly enthusiasts). But as I have work today (*sad face* not quite ready to go back to reality yet!) and I know our Monopoly games continue for hours, I excused myself and got an early night.
Send me your links in the comments box for your christmassy posts so I can have a little nosey at what you all got up to! :)