So the conversation between my 4 year-old daughter and her friend playing at our house last night went like this:
Daughter: I’m going to marry Ken (as in Barbie’s boyfriend, Ken) because I only like boys with yellow hair.
Friend: Ok, I’m going to marry Eric (as in Ariel’s boytoy, Prince Eric), because he has black hair and that’s like my Daddy.
Daughter: Why don’t you marry your daddy?
Friend: He has a girlfriend (her mother/his wife) already. I want to marry someone who doesn’t have a girlfriend.
Daughter: Me too. But I don’t want to be a mommy because you vomit when a baby is in your belly.
So it seems that my daughter already has the type of guy she wants all figured out, as well as a birth control plan. Good to know. It took me until my 30′s to figure all that out…