Okay, so you’ve probably figured out by now that I’m not exactly the sporty, outdoorsy type. Don’t get me wrong, I love a leisurely bike ride that doesn’t require me to sweat, go up hills or figure out how to use the gears. But in general, I like to sleep indoors whereas bugs and things that cause swelling do not typically enter.
However, I married a man who has a deep, and I mean deep, love of all things camping.
And marriage is about compromise.
Well, honestly, our marriage is usually about him compromising because I’m so damn stubborn that he just throws his hands up most days and yells, “Uncle.”
But every once in a while I feel bad about my bossy nature and decide to throw the guy a bone.
Camping was my bone. My very big, not feeling natural to a New Yorker, bone.
So the husband went to the sporting goods store, spent our retirement money on supplies, and we were on our way. And this picture was how it all began. The fakest smile I have ever sported in my life. The one we put on for our children every time they say, “watch me!”
But then this happened.
My girl caught her first fish ever. And to see the smile on her face and the pride she wore for the rest of the day, well, damn. It’s pretty amazing.
And then this happened.
And camping got kicked up a major notch. And a special thanks to Dana Zucker from TriWivesClub for donating to the “Danielle needs alcohol to survive camping” campaign. Your donation was greatly appreciated.
But then, after all that. This happened.
Thunderstorms came blowing in and we had to pack up and head home a day early.
And you know what’s weird? And scary? And slightly unnerving?
I was bummed.
No really. I’m not kidding.
I was actually bummed to not finish the experience. To get a taste of it all and not be able to do all the things we hoped to do.
So it looks like I might go camping for a second time sometime soon.
You’ll probably want to mark this date on your calendar. I can only assume Armageddon is coming with this unbelievable news and change in the atmosphere. Get water and canned vegetables immediately. The world is definitely coming to an end.