Awhile back I wrote about Operation Fat Ass. That’s the name of my “Lose My Baby Weight That Isn’t Actually Baby Weight Anymore Because I Have A Problem Eating Too Many Little Debbie’s Snack Cakes” program.
And I was doing awesome. Even lost 10 lbs.
Then, I went on vacation and found that the Outer Banks has a love of all things Entenmann’s. Now if you haven’t tried their chocolate glazed donuts with the yellow cake inside, well you are just missing food that might make you shiver the way you do when you see Ryan Gosling in The Notebook. Yum on all fronts.
So now I’m back exercising, not calling Little Debbie back when she stalks me, and even taking my first spin class.
I’ve decided that for me to get through a spin class, I need to have a goal of where I’m riding to. Am I riding to happy hour? Am I riding to George Clooney’s house for a quickie? I need a happy place like that to imagine.
As much as I appreciate the instructor making me feel like I’m in a night club by playing Katy Perry’s ROAR on repeat 50 thousand times, I still found her perkiness and excitement for exercise annoying.
Like when she said, “We’re going uphill so crank it to the right, folks!” I wanted to yell back, “Crank this, bee-otch”
However, I refrained.
And as I peddled, I tried and tried to come up with where my happy place was to keep me motivated. Then, it hit me.
I peddled as if I were chasing an Entenmann’s truck out on delivery.
I rocked that class.
(photo courtesy of