Self Expression Magazine

My Son’s Helmet – One Year Later

Posted on the 16 July 2013 by Martinisandminivans @martinisandmini

One of the first posts I ever wrote for the blog was about my six month old son having to get a helmet. At the time, I was devastated, sad and feeling all kinds of guilt for him having to get it. Since that time, I have gotten so many emails and messages from other parents going through the same thing and I realized that I never gave an update on how life went after the helmet – which I think might provide comfort to others.

It’s been over a year since my son got his helmet off. He wore it for three months total. And from the first night we brought him home, he never had an issue. He didn’t sleep less or cry more. He simply wore a helmet and life went on as we know it for him.

However, for us, it was a glimpse into society in a new way. I can’t tell you how many people stared at him when we were out in public. Most were kind and smiled when they saw the helmet decorated like a Phillies baseball cap, but others did look away as if they were ashamed. Perhaps they were just embarrassed because they got caught staring, or maybe they were confused as to why a little boy was wearing a helmet – either way, it was something challenging to get used to. I wished people would just ask me why he was wearing a helmet instead of staring and wondering.

But that time feels like a lifetime ago. Those three months flew by. And I was thrilled when we no longer had to spend every 4-6 hours wiping the helmet clean. But the funny part is that what seemed so serious back then is so trite now. It’s a memory on our shelf. Which, actually, is where his helmet is right now too. Much too small to ever fit his growing head again.

Now his perfectly shaped head and self is about to be 2 years old and there are days that I long for that protective helmet. When I see him climbing the bookcase or jumping off the couch, I wonder if I can just squeeze him back into it for a little longer! But alas, I can’t and actually now have to tell him no to doing those things.

So for those worried about your child’s helmet – don’t fret. This too shall pass and they won’t ever remember. Heck, you probably won’t remember much about it either in a bit. Though now, you will smile when you see other kids with helmets and know that those parents once felt just like you.

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