Chances of her correcting your spellings and grammar while sexting are high.
She will use a metaphor and simile in every second sentence of her's and after a point, it just wont be funny anymore.Sometimes you will take her out for some coffee and then crib about your day, when all the while she will dream about the first chapter of her novel.Because coffee does that to her.And you will realize how maybe you were never a priority when she says "Huh? Sorry, what? I didn't catch that."She will let go of your hand while walking down a crowded lane when she spots a book sale. She will bargain and then ruin her entire day because she just wouldn't have enough money to buy it.Her mood swings will kill you and some days she wont text you at all.She'll sound too poetic, most of the time.You'll be annoyed how she would never be excited to do something more important in her life, as she is for reading or writing.
She will never reveal in you.
You might find her two-faced, even.She will sell her soul to all the publishing houses in the country, trusting them with her writings but will shy away from letting you read that note she wrote about her father,hidden inside her closet.She will never ask you for a gift and yet, expect you to buy her books on her every birthday.She may write rant posts about how you annoy her, once in a while.Your ego may take a hit on reading the comments posted on your annoying behavior by complete strangers.You'll wonder where the line is.She will roll her eyes and then nod when you tell her how you found her latest article brilliant. She'll never take your compliments too seriously. Some days when the routine life would start to bore her, she will start inventing new Aunts and enemies in her life to obsess over and then kill them off randomly,once it starts becoming a burden.That would be the day you will realize she was always partly a sociopath.You will laugh at her imagination and inability to lie.Sometimes you'll find her words for you, too flattering. Some days you will wonder if she does it with everyone. Including you.She’ll be diverse.On rainy afternoons, you might decide to be sweet to her and make her some tea. She will take it and drink it in silence, without mentioning a word. Not even a murmured thank you.
Instead she will thank the skies for the rain.You will wonder what goes on inside her brain, when you catch her smiling without any reason.You will wonder if the reason may have be you.Then again, you will never know and curiosity will kill your insides.She'll switch off her phone someday, just to spend time with characters of her novel and expect you to not interrupt. You'll feel miserable.She'll get very passionate. About social issues like human trafficking and Syria. You will hold her as she cries on hearing the news of infants being slaughtered on TV and sigh about how she didn't cry the day you went broke. You will have to live with her impracticality.She will never really tell you how much she likes you, unless prodded and you might find it easier to talk to her over long, sappy text messages. You will be careful with your spellings and the number of smiley faces you put after the 'Goodnight'.When she'll talk intellect, philosophy, behavior and ideas, you'll feel stupid.She'll have friends who will make you feel stupider.
She will not be socially presentable piece most of the times.
She'll not look like the girl in the image. That's a stereotypical Google image. One day she will tell you how no one gets her and you will try to fake a smile.But secretly you will rethink the whole thing.Then one day you will leave her to her words and her punctuation. You will think for a moment about what to write on that post that you leave behind and finally decide on leaving it empty.This time the silence will be from your side.Years later, you will spot her in a coffee shop, typing away furiously.You may gather enough words to say Hello and she will tell you how well she is doing.You will realize then; You knew all her secrets.Never date a girl who reads. Or worse, writes. Just leave her to her words and her commas.P.S. Not a generalization, just the usual rant :)After this.