Self Expression Magazine

Never Gonna Give You Up, #906

Posted on the 12 February 2014 by Juliezaz1 @juliezaz1

Dear Lord, help me!  I overheard my daughter suddenly singing “Never Gonna Give You Up” by Rick Astley.  She was totally jamming to it, too.  ”Where in the world did you learn that song?” I asked.  ”I must have heard it on the radio.  Maybe on the 80′s station when I’m in Daddy’s car,” she responded.

How has this awful song come back again all of these years later to haunt me?  It completely sucked the first time, and now I have to endure it again?  Oy!

How do musical tastes develop anyhow?  Why is it that some people like one type of music and other people like another?  It can’t solely be based on the environment you grow up in.  Otherwise, my daughter would never be rocking out to Rick Astley.  I can assure you all of that.

Well, not to give you all an annoying ear worm, but I’m just so stunned this would be the song she’d subconsciously hum.  Therefore, it is my song of the day.  CLICK HERE to hear Rick Asltey sing “Never Gonna Give You Up,” and I promise, I will never ever post it on the Tucson Songstress website ever again.

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