Self Expression Magazine

Numb, #931

Posted on the 20 March 2014 by Juliezaz1 @juliezaz1

Yuck!  I’m sick!  I have a cold, and it’s gotten the best of me.  I tried with all my might to fight through it like I always do, but sometimes, you have little choice but to succumb to illness.

So…this will be a trying-to-sleep-it-off day with tea and tissues perched beside me on the nightstand and my iPad fully charged for books, Facebook and emails.

First though….forcing myself to get moving a bit to get the kids off to school.  As soon as they’re gone…I’m going back to sleep!

My song of the day is the song “Numb” by U2′s rockin’ guitarist, “The Edge.”  I thought this was a really clever song back in the day, and too bad he didn’t do a few more solo songs.  Anyhow….the cold bug is numbing my senses, so I thought it’d be perfect for this moment and fun to bring this song back for a moment, too.  Enjoy!

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