Diaries Magazine

Old Friend Or New Stranger?

Posted on the 26 January 2012 by Paige
Tuesday Nana and Grandad came over. Nana brought over some of her old books for us to read: The Harry Potter series and The Help. I loved the Harry Potter audio books so I might read them now.
Old friend or new Stranger?The microwave is making a different noise than it use to, now I have to hide behind the filing cabinet whenever I turn it on. Radiation is dangerous.
I have a play date with my friend Maya tonight. I haven't seen her in so long it feels like I'm getting ready for a special occasion. I don't even know if we have anything thing in common anymore. We use to play vet together, I have no idea what we will do now. We use to play all the time, now we know nothing about each other and I'm fairly weird, what are we going to do? I don't know what her favorite color is, what she likes to read, or the exact date of her birthday. I hope it's not like meeting a stranger.
I was just remembering that they had paper made of elephant dung at the Toronto Zoo. I looked up if you can buy it anywhere else, and you can! http://new.poopoopaper.com/
I learned that running the lid of a glass bottle (salad dressing) under hot water can help you open it when it's stuck, thanks Mom.
For my studies today I learned about legends of sea monsters and when to replace the 'y' with 'i' when you're adding an ending. Change 'y' to i except when 'y' follows a vowel or when the suffix is 'ing'.
Also in Cuba the government pays for every one's stuff, but they have a limited income because they have a socialist communist government. When you go to Cuba you should bring items for the people that are rationed there instead of money. Money is no good if you can't buy anything. My workbook also said that Fidel Castro is the leader but mom said he died and his brother is in charge now (Grandpa I still don't want to go to Cuba, trips are stressful for me, I'm like a cat). In Canada the Charter of Rights and Freedoms bill was only added to the Constitution in 1982. I wonder what it was like before that, has it made a difference? Anyone remember?
I'm planning a poster on how to 'Be Green'. If it turns out I'll post it when it's done.

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