Self Expression Magazine

Physical, #868

Posted on the 22 December 2013 by Juliezaz1 @juliezaz1

My Mom and Dad gave me the best gift yesterday!  They surprised me and dropped off a Fitbit; an item I have heard of in conversation and never gave much thought to.  (Click HERE to learn more about Fitbits.)

Anyhow, I am fascinated by this device that hooks onto your bra…out of sight for all to see and that tracks your exercise, sleep habits, food and water intake, too.  What an amazing motivator for the less-than-actively-inclined types like myself.

It is always so much fun to receive a surprise gift and especially one that promotes such a healthy lifestyle.  I have only just hooked myself up to this itty bitty device, but I am already blown away by how smart it is.  It is the coolest thing ever.  They have been around for a couple of years, but I am just learning about it.  Sorry if I am behind the times, but I know there must be others like me.  That’s why I had to write about it today.

So….my song today is silly 80′s music by Oliva Newton John.  ”Physical” brought fitness to the forefront back in the day, so click HERE to listen, watch a cheesy video and to motivate you to go get fit!

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