Self Expression Magazine

Pink Eye, Ear Infections and a Speeding Ticket – My Dream Weekend…

Posted on the 19 November 2012 by Martinisandminivans @martinisandmini

After battling vomit-fest last week – with both my kiddos puking in two days – I felt excited about a weekend of fun, merriment and good family time.  It started out awesome – I was celebrating making it to the next round of Blogger Idol (YAHOO! Thanks for voting everyone!!) and was having a girls night with Indian food and a henna artist at my house.  Awesome.  We laughed, we drank wine, we were temporarily tattooed.  All was good in the world.

Then came Saturday.

My daughter started having yellow goop in her eye, complaining of her ear hurting, and sleeping for WAY too long (that part wasn’t too bad to endure…)  So when Sunday rolled around and the same thing happened again, we went off to urgent care to find out the deal.

However, that trip was sidelined by me getting a speeding ticket.  I was going 50 in a 35 going down a hill.  The problem wasn’t my ticket – the problem was telling the hubby because I might…uhm…have a case of…bad lead foot disorder.  Let’s just say, this wasn’t my first trip to the “speeding ticket rodeo”…  The phone conversation was exactly what I feared – long, drawn out silence and then minutes, that felt like hours, full of sarcastic comments.

Once at the doctor’s office, it was confirmed that she has pink eye as well as an ear infection and we were ordered to steer clear of other kiddos for 24 hours.  Heaven help me.  That means that I’m going to be in the house with my two children all day today without any human interaction.

Friends, if you see that I haven’t posted for a few days after this post, send the medics – I’ll be the one covered in Disney princesses, videos of Barney and bottles of amoxicillin.

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