Creativity Magazine

Remembering Those Days..

Posted on the 02 February 2014 by Heartbaredtoyou121 @naughtytushki

I remember those days

Walking back home from school
Worry in my backpack
Not a thought to deny me
I was nobody’s fool

It was much fun then
Getting drenched in the rain
Jumping up and down the streets
In waters deep and vain
And playing with mud
And dirt that stuck
Much to dismay of my pants’ pleats

Broken friendships were easily mended
Betrayals simply forgotten
Love was in abundance
Hearts then, were not rotten


And I remember jumping walls
To catch a cup of tea
Demanding from parents an extra fee
Skipping schools for an extra fun
Bunking lectures for midnight game run
Running down empty halls
Just to impose, ‘We are Kings’
All is lost now, leaving behind
A pile of battered strings

And i remember wanting to grow up
Into a gentleman, a man of substance
But that is lost now, leaving behind
An unanswerable lot of questions
Threatening our very existance

I gather now it was fun then
Not knowing our paths would cross, but when ?

All that is lost now, leaving behind
A hollow man, a failed human
He lives in the same place though
Which he believed was once ‘Heaven’

I remember those days…

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