My sleep deprivation is all-encompassing.
I woke up at 1am this morning and did not sleep for the remainder of the night. That’s two hours of sleep. I got out of bed at 6am when my alarm went off. I got ready for work in a daze. I lay down on the couch, set my alarm for 15 minutes and napped.
I went to my chiropractor. He gave me my adjustments and then I had acupuncture. I slept instantly, as soon as the needles were in, the music on, and the door closed. I got to work early and set my alarm for 15 minutes and napped in my car. I worked in a daze.
I went back out to my car. Set my alarm for 30 minutes and fell asleep instantly, falling into a dream state complete with hypnic jerks and muscle movement. It’s not right. And in the background is my life… a softly colored, white noise life filled with things I’m supposed to be doing but can’t because it’s all I can do to remember how to walk around my office or engage in small talk or even type.
I know I’m hungover today from the Nortriptyline. I won’t take any meds tonight, I won’t sleep, but at least I won’t be half a human.