Diaries Magazine

Restaurant Week

Posted on the 27 March 2012 by Mattie @comfyconfident

I am trying to incorporate some more healthy foods into my diet, especially protein. Being a Vegan limits your protein options unless you really plan ahead, which I have failed to do. So, I decided to try and mix some protein powder into my food. Sticking to my plan, I had a protein shake this morning. I have to confess, I really do not like protein powders, every time I try to make them, it seems to never mix and I end up having to sips of chalk. However, if I use a blender the results are always better. And, this morning I even added some banana and almond milk to ensure it tasted good.


Chocolate Banana Protein Shake

2 scoops Vega Chocolate Performance Protein Powder
1 banana
3/4 cup of unsweetened Almond Milk

Blend together until fully mixed.
Drink up… because it’s drinkable! And it fueled me for my workout!
A 40 minute run on the treadmill


And a lower body strength:

Restaurant Week

It is Portsmouth Restaurant Week  so Vinnie and I took full advantage. This happens at least twice a year and we try to go to a new restaurant each time, and preferably one we have never been to. Last fall we ventured over to Mombo. This time, we went to Michelle’s which is a relatively new spot in town. I always walk by and say “We need to go there soon.” Well, last night we did! And it lived up to my expectations.


You can get one appetizer, one entree and dessert for $29.99. Typically, a restaurant creates a set menu, with specific items you can order. Not at Michelle’s. You could get anything on the menu. That is like a normal value of $50 and during Restaurant Week you get it for $29.99. Sweet!!

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It is hard for me to go out while being a Vegan, but I was able to get the Citrus & Avocado salad and the Roasted Vegetable Neapolitan (without cheese).  Vinnie got Lobster St. Tropez for an app and couldn’t stop mmmm-ing so I assume it was delicious! For dinner he ordered the Beef Bordeaux. It was a very good meal, at a reasonable price, which is always nice!

We were so stuffed, we got dessert to go – and I forgot to take pics.

I might have to hit up lunch-time Restaurant Week, the prices are even better, but you still get the same quality of food!

Does your town have Restaurant Weeks? Do you take advantage?
What is your favorite type of cuisine to splurge on?

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