Part of being a teenage girl is having a crush. Most teenage girls past & present will be able to identify their teen crush as a singer or band. My mom tells me hers was Donny Osmond. The current band of many teenage girls affections is One Direction. For me however I spent that awkward time of my life in the era of the 90's so there can only be one band of my desires the one & only...'Take That'.
I remember my mom taking me to concerts, having my walls covered in posters I pulled out of 'Just Seventeen Magazine' and owning a variety of TT merchandise. So in 2005 when they reunited not only was I beside myself with excitement about hearing them sing and go to concerts again but the biggest highlight has to be seeing that Gary Barlow continues to be gorgeous. So I quickly signed him up as being my 'celeb hubby'.
Since their return I've managed to scrounge tickets to all their concerts. So when Gary announced he was doing an small intimate concert I new I had to get tickets. I managed to get tickets to watch him perform in Bournemouth. So me & my home 'hubby' bundled into the car for a night with the other man in my life.

We had a wonderful night the venue was small but intimate. Gary was as ever entertaining and of course beautiful as always. Even Andy enjoyed himself and didn't complain to much about all the screaming women ;-)