Seriously my boyfriends interests include gadgets mainly phones, phone developing and all that it includes. Check out his G+ page 'New to Nexus' and the associated blog by clicking here he also writes a blog about all things gadgetry check it out by clicking here.
Being that my old man is pretty clued up on his gadgets I didn't even consider a gadgetry purchase. After pulling my hair out trying to decide what to buy him I went with a 'grumpy old man' theme and so I purchased everything 'GRUMPY'.

Here's 2 examples of his 'GRUMPY' gifts

I definitely got brownie points for the 'GEEKIEST' card

We celebrated his birthday with a treat in Nottingham earlier in the year but I felt we still needed to celebrate his big birthday. So he eventually agreed to a night out on the town. His friends made it their mission to get him very drunk. They bought him lots and lots of shots. There were a few occasions we all thought he was going to blow but he 'battled' through. At the end of the night he was 'worse for ware' but a good time was had by all.