Image courtesy of Green Lens Photo Studio
Yesterday morning, Titha Japs and Titho Francois knocked on our door. They said "Hey! Let's have breakfast in our house. We have a surprise for you and Luigi and we are sure you'll definitely love it!".
So we went to their house (Good thing we are neighbors). They made a big breakfast for us fit for our big tummy.
After eating, I asked her "So, what is your surprise?"
Lo and behold it's TRADER JOE'S SPECULOOS CRUNCHY COOKIE BUTTER SPREAD! I almost jump for joy because everyone is soooo crazy on Cookie Butter spread. She bought it from Cookie Butter Muncher
Image courtesy of Green Lens Photo Studio
As I remove the lid from the glass jar, it released the heavenly scent of speculoos, an aroma of raw sugar cookie.
Tiny bits of cookie crumbs is in the speculoos providing a slight crunch. To those who have yet experience the taste of this spread, be warned: it is extremely addictive.
It is not thick as peanut butter or Nutella, the cookie butter spreads easily onto bread, waffles, crackers and anything else you can imagine.
But here's the catch... will it pass to the taste buds of my son? Knowing that he is not into butter. He only likes cheese, cheese and cheese. That is the only spread he likes.
Here's the detailed photos of his reaction on Speculoos.
Smells good. Maybe the cookies are hiding...
Image courtesy of Green Lens Photo Studio
Got to taste it
Image courtesy of Green Lens Photo Studio
Hmmm... so this is it?
Image courtesy of Green Lens Photo Studio
The spread has magic! It is crunchy! Yummy!
Image courtesy of Green Lens Photo Studio
Congratulations Speculoos! My son love it!
Purchased Price: PhP380.00/jar
Purchased at: Cookie Butter Muncher
Rating: 9 out of 10
Pros: First times. Speculoos base is fabulous. Cookie crumbs mixed throughout.
Cons: Extremely addictive. Rated PG
To order click here
Cookie Butter Muncher(Juds&Chik - Resellers of Trader Joe's & Biscoff Cookie Butter & more!)