Self Expression Magazine

Review: Undelivered Letters

Posted on the 11 January 2018 by Gopalakrishnan K @gopalmadhav
Undelivered Letters Undelivered Letters by J. Alchem
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Undelivered Letters by J. Alchem gives you the story of Aron, an aged postman who fails to deliver 9 letters. When he realises this after a gap of 20 years, he tries to deliver the letter to the recipients. In this book, the author says the story of three letters which were delivered by him.
The book is a short read and hits the chord right. The premise is an interesting premise and the way the character reacts to all the letters that received is quite emotional. It's good to see such heartwarming stories which are simple. It would be great to know the varying emotions of the recipients and the emotional journey when they receive the delayed rewards.
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