Diaries Magazine

#Row80 Sunday Check in Week One. The Facts & Figures of My Writing Week.

Posted on the 13 January 2013 by Juliejordanscott @juliejordanscot

Row 80 imageI have no idea why it has taken me until so late in the day to write my Row80 Check In.  The way I am getting it done is I have told myself I cannot post anything else or do anymore writing until I write and post this.

So – that being said – my work on my Row80 goals has been satisfying this week. Note I didn’t say perfect, I said satisfying. My goals have made me conscious to move forward and the fact they are not overwhelming makes me more than likely to actually follow through with them.

Here’s what I mean in “the facts, just the writing facts.”

Read a new collection of poems monthly. I got this done very early. I went to the library and read Mary Kinzie’s California Sorrow in one afternoon. I will be doing this more! The discovery of a new poet always delights me!

Read ten minutes a day from a writing technique book. I am reading Wired for Story by Lisa Cron and am enjoying it very much. It isn’t just for fiction writers, fellow non-fiction writers. I also find using GoodReads to track my progress and adding a new quote from my reading to their quote directory helps inspire me.

Write 1,000 words of “useful” words daily. Yes, this is happening. Sometimes more, never less… yet. I hope I mentioned I write very fast.

Edit 30 minutes daily toward the WIP. I haven’t done this daily, but I have done several sessions and have not only added to the WIP, I have been able to repurpose my edits into fresh and lively new blog posts. Excellent!

Participate in Team Sprinty as regularly as possible. This week was bumpy but I showed up, even for a night session as well as a morning session.

Hop around Row80 posters aiming for 3 comments per day a minimum. Yes, I have done this. Makes me smile.

Remember I do this because I am deeply in love with words. And yes, my love affair with words continues.

 Now you get to tell how YOUR writing week went. If you come back Wednesday, you will read how I am BEING as a writer, not how I am DOING as a writer. If that makes no sense, here is a link to what I wrote last Wednesday as an example.

Thank you for reading and commenting!

Writing in a barFollow me on Twitter: @JulieJordanScot

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© 2013 by Julie Jordan Scott

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