heheh I bet that post title gets you to read on! Don’t worry, I keep my clothes on!
This is my last week working for my current job! It is slowly coming to an end. It is such a weird feeling. It is so bittersweet. I hate using that word but it’s so true. I have a pretty awesome situation right now.
- I work in the same building as my brother
- I can wear workout clothes everyday, if I want
- I can come and go as I please as long as I get my work done, but I typically work at least 9-5
At my new job, this will not be the case, AT ALL! But that is one of the things I am most excited about. I wanted more structure and a more professional atmosphere so I can enhance my career and grow as a business woman. That doesn’t mean I won’t miss how flexible my current schedule is. As the week goes on, I am getting more and more sad that this chapter is coming to an end.
Today, I am taking full advantage of the casual work environment. I wore my workout clothe to work today so I would force myself to go for a run, but I had been sitting at my desk for an hour before even considering going out for a run.
Then, by brother walked into my office and asked if I wanted to go get breakfast with him. I had already eaten, but went along for the ride! As we got to the breakfast place I decided I would run back to the office. I figured that was the best chance I would have for getting some exercise in. So, that is exactly what I did!
This was the first time, in a long time that I ran without my Garmin on and I felt completely ‘naked’ which is so funny to me because I only started using it this spring. I trained all last summer for Hampton Rockfest Marathon without any tools or gadgets. It was a nice leisurely run today, I had no idea what my pace was or the distance I had covered. I just ran. It was nice.
But, being the competitive workoutaholic I am, I had to figure out how far I went and the approximate distance. So I went on Map My Run and tracked my loop.
I ran exactly 3.5 and for approximately 28 minutes (according to my cell phone I had my brother leave in my office so I didn’t have to run with it) which is about an 8 minute mile. That is what I try to run but usually takes a little pushing on my part and I was not doing that today. Maybe when I lose myself in my runs I run faster!?
Ok, now I have to work. I have stuff to get done before my last day on Friday! eeekkk