This didn't cost him just 50cents...
Today during class I got introduced to a guy named Russell Stannard. We were talking about the assessment of speaking in the EFL classroom. This guy, Russell, works in the Centre for Applied Linguistics at the University of Warwick. He has won several awards for his ideas on the use of ICT in the foreign language learning classroom. He has made videos on how to use different kinds of (free!) tools on the Internet to make your own podcasts and vodcasts and collected these videos on a website called Teachertrainingvideos.
This actually got me inspired and I’m planning (right now it’s just in my head, though) on doing a video project for the first years at the end of the next chapter. A fellow student told the class that he lets his pupils make their own “MTV Cribs” videos, and this topic just fits the theme of the next chapter in the book (In and around the house). I’ll just have to devise a lesson series, but my guess is the pupils will have fun with it!
Two other websites came up during class today: TED and Khanacademy. On the latter, Salman Khan actually makes use of some of the programmes mentioned by Mr. Stannard for making instructional videos. If you’ve never ventured on Khan’s website, you should check out the maths section; it’s amazing! There are even exercises that you can do to see whether you have understood the video.
“Flipping the classroom” was also briefly mentioned.