I get goose bumps when I hear the female voice singing on Macklemore’s “Same Love” song. When she says the line, “I can’t change even if I tried… even if I wanted to…” I just feel like closing my eyes and breathing in her voice.
I’m not gay. I never even knew anyone who was openly gay until college. That’s not to say I didn’t suspect a friend or two was in high school but no one ever openly told me that they were.
I can remember meeting my first gay friend in college. He wasn’t flamboyant or or even that openly gay, but he told me that he’s always known he likes men more than women and we instantly bonded when I said, “Well… so have I so I guess we have that in common.”
I have never felt uncomfortable in the gay community. I have never felt like we are different. We both love. We both hate ignorance. And we both strive to find a place we fit in. The funny thing is that if people would stop their judgment for a second, they’d realize we all are trying to fit in. Why are we making that harder for other people? Shouldn’t we relate to their struggle?
I’ve listened to “Same Love” in the car with my almost 5 year old daughter many times. I know she doesn’t understand all the words and what they truly mean but I still think it is an important song to expose her too. This last time we listened, I looked in the back seat and said, “You know you can marry whoever you like – boy or girl, you know that, right?”
Her answer was perfect.
She simply said, “Yep” and started singing, “I can’t change…even if I tried… even if I wanted to…”
Same Love. I’m with ya Macklemore.