Diaries Magazine

School Is Off To a Flying Start

Posted on the 08 February 2013 by Taveren37 @mjgraham

Well that is a wrap on the second week (first full week) at school for Master 5.
I am almost overflowing with pride for my little man. He is doing incredibly well and is enjoying it a lot.
We had tears the first two days, from both of us....
School Is Off To a Flying Start
But now he goes and sits on the mat in the classroom and eagerly awaits the day. As I leave him I feel a tug on my heart strings, every morning. He is my little guy and it seems like only yesterday, he was learning to crawl and walk.
What a huge step it is. The longest time he has ever spent away from me is about 3 hours! He is definitely growing up. He is managing lunch and the toilet all by himself. Even though he usually comes home from school with his shorts on backwards! Hehe!

He did his first show and tell this week and the teacher said he did really well. She told me that he is an absolute pleasure to have in the classroom and he can come back any time.

This morning he woke up and was coughing. But he wanted to go even though he didn't feel the best. He still had a good day, but the first thing he told me when I picked him up this afternoon was that his throat was really sore. When we got home we went inside and he immediately threw up all over a chair.  It was all a bit much I think. A bit of Ibuprofen and he was his usual self again. Asking for food and doing funny, happy dances around the lounge room.
Master 3 is adapting very well to being an only child during the day. He currently has two paces. He is running everywhere and pulling me along, or he has stopped and looking for lizards or bugs in the grass. He tells me that he is ‘superfast’. He is packed full of personality and makes me laugh all the time.
My two youngest are traveling very well at the moment. They are both managing a huge change in their circumstances and are taking it all in their stride.
All the kids’ teachers are wonderful and I couldn't ask for a better start to their school year.School Is Off To a Flying Start

If you have a little one starting school for the first time, I hope that they are settling in well.

How are your children coping with school this year? Are they happy? Do they have good teachers?

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