With Purim now behind us, you may wonder what to do with all of those home-made groggers your kids made. Here are some great songs to shake along to!
Originally posted on Tucson Songstress:
For today’s blog post, I though it’d be fun to compile a list of songs for shaking your shaker eggs to. Young children love shakers, as the unpitched rhythm gives them confidence for future music making.
Shakers are easy to make. Add a little rice to a water bottle, and voila! Shake away. Click HERE for a previous Tucson Songstress Top 10 Tuesday blog post about making shaker eggs from plastic Easter eggs.
For convenience sake, you can also purchase shaker eggs, too. They are relatively inexpensive.
Click HERE to check them out on Amazon.com for purchase.
The Activity
There are many songs written specifically for shaking shakers, and I thought it’s be nice to have a list of them in one place. So, have your child get out their shakers and shake along to the following:
1. “The Shaker Song”
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