Creativity Magazine

She/Him Views

Posted on the 25 May 2013 by Leah-Jlynn @Leah_Jamielynn

They sat there sitting with each other in a passionate debate. About evolution and  Christianity.

He said: “ The earth, has evolved for billions and billions before humans.To  brings us to where we are what now.

She said: Well, what did we evolve from. I think that thing  have to have a higher power to begat most anything. Rather, like a  man giving birth to a new gadget. Because, his mind was pregnant with the idea.

He said” Well, earth and water breed organisms and those begat, what you’d call  tag poll. Than, they evolved into a fish, that grew legs and so, until they morph into  primemates.

She said: And you understand this as eventually, becoming humans. or dinosaurs  and than humans. Or the other way around.

He: No, dinosaur this was before them.

She:Oh,Okay, so, I get this. your “theory” understands  through, science. And that we come from these animals because, we have same types of  things. Is that ,  Right?

He: sort, of……. There is so much more. Just let me tell you about natural selection,it’s easier to explain how things evolve.

She: No, that’s okay. I know as far that selection thing goes it’s man made. He choose what he wants to breed. I think hilter use it. Where, as God created everyone equal and may have spread different people in different place to till the earth. and if mated with someone not common to them. their kids survived the elements and they became beautiful humans because of it.

Him: Okay, let me  just say….

She: No, I really want to have  a good evening out ,honey.Save your energy for your speech for the debate.. But, I would like to add something since you’re on the “Theorist” side of the stage  .

Him: Already. putting his hands up in the air.

She: All I’m trying to convey, is that as Christians, we don’t deny we have similarities to animals. For, the obvious reason, we are consider mammals oppose to animals. So, All I’am saying though,  everything was a billion of  years ago. From the dinosaurs, who are mention the multi~ autobiography of different peoples until days of Christ. By the way this book is  known as  the Bible. I say  from the fish in the sea and if read carefully God’s let’s us know briefly that our age wasn’t the only he created with the mother earth. So, therefore, we will always have the same make-up and genealogy of most things. Because we are created by the same the parents. That’s all I’m saying. Ready, Baby Warming her expression to smile.

and He, was ready and oddly grateful to be able to have debates like this her, And sometimes, they could become heated. But, the love they had for each other was as strong as her faith. He had to admit and admire it.

It’s 5minute Friday everyone.Five Minute Friday with Lisa Jo. Baker The prompt word of the day is “View” You write about it for five minutes and post it unedited to your blog and site and enjoy the fun of reading others . It’s also a great writing  exercise. I mean, when ever can you have write like this, and it’s grreat when your not the only one who needs to edit there work.  Have a blessed day readers and writers ~Leah


She/Him Views

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