Yesterday, I left you all with a cliff hanger. I said I had a secret and that I would be revealing it today. The secret is as sweet as can be, and I am overjoyed to tell you all about it today. Here goes! Here is my blog today:
About one year ago, I wrote the following words in a blog entitled “Fame.” ”This is my daughter. She is a famous author. Yesterday, she was surprised in front of her school that a story she had written had been chosen out of all the first graders to be performed by her teachers. It was a very proud moment in the eyes of a Mama, and I am so impressed with her creativity.” Click HERE to read all about that day.
Well, yesterday, my son was surprised in front of his whole school!!! His amazing story was chosen out of all of the Kindergarteners and performed by the teachers. He was honored and recognized in front of all his peers, and it was a very big deal. Here he is being surprise:
I had to keep it a secret on Facebook so no one from his school would find out, but now, I can share this truly lovely and very creative story with all of you.
Jack, the Cheetah
Once upon a time, there was a baby cheetah named Jack. He was black with yellow eyes. He lived in the jungle with his Daddy.

“Hi! I’m Jack! I live in the jungle with my Daddy!”

“Hi Daddy! Let’s play!”
A storm came. There was rain with lightning.
Jack lost his Daddy in the storm, because it was nighttime when the storm came.
A tiger found Daddy.

“Oooo…a cheetah! King lion needs one of these for his collection.”
And took him to King Lion’s cave castle.
And put him in a cage.
Jack hunted for his Daddy. He went into the lion’s cave castle. He looked in the dungeon and found a group of cages.
He looked in number 1 cage, number 2 cage, number 3 cage, number 4 cage, number 5 cage,
number 6 cage, number 7 cage
And then, he looked in number 8 cage. He found his Daddy in number 8 cage.

“Daddy I found you!”
Then the tiger came, and they had a fight. King lion was sitting in his chair. It was a jungle fight.
Jack won the fight.
King Lion felt bad, because he had been mean to Daddy. So, he gave Jack the key for any of the cages. Jack unlocked his Daddy and the other animals, too.
The went out of the castle and found a beautiful land. Then, they had a parade with Daddy, baby cheetah Jack, and all the animals he had saved.
I cannot believe my little boy wrote this amazingly imaginative story. He totally deserved the recognition, and I couldn’t be so proud. Because he didn’t know we were coming to his surprise show, we met with him outside of the auditorium to give him hugs and congratulations! Here he is with his amazing Kindergarten teacher (also know as Jack the cheetah) and the assistant principal who narrated the story.
My husband recorded the play on my iPad, and I have uploaded it Youtube to share. It is just under 9 minutes long. The sound isn’t very good, and we stood in the back of the room…but you’ll get the general idea of just how awesome of a morning it was. Here is the link:
So….as for my song of the day. I chose the song, “Shining Star” by Earth, Wind and Fire, because that is truly what my little boy was yesterday. Click HERE to go to Youtube to hear it. He is my shining star, and I am so proud of him. I am looking forward to all of the many more accomplishments he will have in his life. After yesterday, I am confident there will be many.