I am back and ready to spring into the ROW80 community once again.
On Sundays, my ROW80 post will be goal updates – the to-do’s of my writing life.
On Wednesdays, my ROW80 post will feature “the being” of my writing life. For example, what lessons am I learning along this road marked “Julie the Writer.”
Now, as we begin Round One – I have several specific, shortish specific goals. I stopped trying to keep up last year and gave up, so I thought if I kept it simple this year instead.
- Read a new collection of poems monthly.
- Read ten minutes a day from a writing technique book.
- Write 1,000 words of “useful” words daily. (I write very quickly so this is not a stretch for me at all, for those of you who are thinking I am nuts.)
- Edit 30 minutes daily toward the WIP.
- Participate in Team Sprinty as regularly as possible.
- Hop around Row80 posters aiming for 3 comments per day a minimum
- Remember I do this because I am deeply in love with words.
Now its your turn: tell me about your writing goals now!
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© 2013 by Julie Jordan Scott