Self Expression Magazine

So Sick, #830

Posted on the 04 November 2013 by Juliezaz1 @juliezaz1

I have been fighting a bug for about a week now, and it’s turned into a pesky cough that’s really getting me down.  It’s one of those coughs that wake you up in the middle of night, so my sleep is lacking, too.  I feel like staying in my jammies all day and wallowing in self-pity.  Seriously….I sing for a living and have to lead children in song today with no voice!

I’m not sick enough to stay home though….no fever and am feeling fine despite the lack of sleep and inability to sing.  I have people counting on me and must tend to my responsibilities.

Sorry blog readers, today’s blog is just fulfilling my need to whine, because that’s what I feel like doing.  Sometimes, whining really is what a gal needs, and that’s where I am today.  So here I am with high-tone inflections in my voice,

“Grumble, grumble, whinnnnnneeeee, grrrrrrrrrr, mmmmmmmmmmm, grumble, grumble.”

Did you get that?  Thank you for letting me do it and being my sounding board.  I needed that.  So world, please be kind to me today, because I am whiny and am lacking patience and need to just ease into this week with my sicky limited capabilities.

Today’s song of the day is a beautiful song by singer NeYo called “So Sick.”  I obviously chose the song because of how I’m feeling today, but “So Sick” is really about being love-sick.  It’s a totally different scenario, but no matter what type of sick you are, I promise—it’ll bring about all sorts of whining.  After all, isn’t Neyo essentially whining his heart out throughout this song?  You be the judge.  Click HERE to hear this truly lovely ballad, and let me know if you can hear:  ”Grumble, grumble, whinnnnnneeeee, grrrrrrrrrr, mmmmmmmmmmm, grumble, grumble” between the lines.  I’m sure you can.

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