Diaries Magazine

So Today..

Posted on the 27 June 2013 by Lizb12 @elizabethbrinks
I'm just sitting here, wishing i had a lot of places to ride my bike-and this little thought train rolls in:
and I'm like, yup and nope and nope and maybe
WHy?!?!?! and hahahahahah and oh, my.
Then i was all, yeah, suppose-maybe, wwwwwhhhhyyyyyy am i bored?
I don't like being bored, i need to take some pictures, meanwhile in the background I'm getting a lot of, yup and nope and maybe and why and nope and yup.
And his blog post is pointless, but it's funny to me-sooo, Wassup!!!!!
I just like, wanna take a photo shoot, and not bein on my computer anymore and blah blah blah blah blah
So today..
Wait, wait Ive go tit!! i have cabin fever!
Ahh, the world makes sense again. I finished a book about Asbergers, so i am wondering if i have a touch of it-well, yeah-digesting books and all, y'know. Maybe, but I told my mom im an introvert and she laughed.I told my friend i didn't want to talk to them, but it was okay if we still did...?and I said i wasnt going on Fb for awhile...guess what Ive been doing....every day....so hopeless....I miss camp!It's okay, I'm going to hang out with friends...hopefully! sorry M'kay guys,I'm done now!

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