Body Shaming - This is simply shaming someone for their body type.

Society tells us how we should be. In the past being a woman with a big figure was attractive. It showed good health and the ability to conceive. Then with our generation it turned to skinny flat wasted long legged women. Women with a bigger figure are now seen as unhealthy while girls with magazine figures are the ideal figure to pursue. Society is changing the rules again. If you do not have curves you're now undesirable. The new requirements involve you having a tiny waist and be "voluptuous" everywhere else. Skinny girls are now being seen as sick or lacking "meat".We're unaware of how society dictates how we should be.Open your eyes, realize the cause and effect. Uplift your fellow woman, encourage instead of criticize and shame her. And above all, love your you* ladies! Don't confirm to the norms of society. Perfection is a myth.

And remember you are fearfully and wonderfully made! God created every inch of your body so take care of it as best as you can!

Love, Joan