Diaries Magazine

Starting College

Posted on the 06 September 2012 by Nickmcdonald @W_W_O_Nick_McD

I have half an hour until my next class and have no work to do yet soooo... I'm bored, so I'm blogging. I'm studying computer science at okanagan college in kelowna where I live. It's my second day of classes and of course nothing has happened yet just the intro classes where we talk about the course outlines and stuff. It's going well I suppose.

It's kind of a slow start educationally and socially, growing up in a small town meeting new people wasn't really something that happened. I graduated with the people I met in kindergarten. And to add to that I'm not socially talented.

I'm waiting to go into my big class now, COSC 111 or computer programming 1, which is considered the most important class of the program. I'm kind of excited, programming is what I really wanted to learn about in the first place, I find it interesting.

It starts in 6 mins so I should probably wrap this up, so uhmmm..... Follow your dreams? I don't know.

Wish me luck!

Nick McDonald

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