So what is flirting with light? Responding to it via any form of creativity or soulfulness. Meditation, Writing, Sketching.....
This morning the light from the just rising sun peeking through the branches of trees flirted with me. The rays woo'ed me, trying to take me away from my busy (yes, self imposed) schedule for the day. I am an artist-of-life and morning photos especially delight me.
I was strong, though, resilient. My intellect knows I have a short week facing me. I'll be traveling on Friday and I have few details about what awaits me at my destination.
I type those words feeling slightly arrogrant and filled with self control until I realize perhaps that is why the sun was wooing me. I love my early morning creative play with the sun. It is one of those activities which is simple, free and sometimes is the highlight of my day.
I look at the sun now, still low in the sky, still encouraging me.
My internet was going slowly this morning and I decided to take a few moments to write.
I am grateful to the sun for continued lessons about moving through life with love and light all around me, even when I choose to ignore the gentle, invisible suggestions in favor of more logical "straight line only" thinking.
I know "straight line only thinking" can get me from Point A to Point B quickly, but most of the time my life is about twists and turns and exploration rather than speed. This morning my "straight line self" told me to just go straight home, no meandering around looking for fun early morning photos.
I sort of listened.
I drove home in my usual way, but in one block I found three cool photo ops.
The blow up gorrilla, grouchy in the morning, is my favorite.
Do you pay attention to the morning light?
What tiny, intuitive nudges do you listen to?
What makes you follow - or not follow - them?
Julie Jordan Scott is a writer, creative life coach, speaker, performance poet, Mommy and mixed-media artist. Her word-love themed art will be for sale at a First Friday soon, when it is warmer than it was in December!, in Downtown Bakersfield. Check out the links below to follow her on a bunch of different social media channels, especially if you find the idea of a Word-Love Party bus particularly enticing.