Summer seems to just fly by. Here we are almost half way into July. I've been having my fan on and don't care if the cost is a little more with the electricity. When it's hot and muggy I want to be cool.
I had to fast this morning to have bloodwork done. It was hard not to have my coffee! I ended up having the coffee put into a carafe and brought it to my kids house. So after bloodwork was done you can bet I was drinking coffee. And I treated myself to a sausage biscuit. MacDonald's grease today.
I've got one girl on MineCraft with her cousin. They video chat each other and that way they can see each other when they are two states away.
My oldest has started to plan his trip out to Washington state for college. He showed me the plan earlier this week. He's got a few stays at some relatives houses and some campground destinations.
It's going to be hard once he goes out, I'm going to hardly see him. My other son will have a hard time with him gone. He will have to be calling my kids too.
I've finished knitting scarves with a certain color and now am working on one in blue. I also took some time out to do some drawing.
Of course I've been spending time on looking for jobs. What a pain in the neck searching. There's not a lot out there. All I feel I can do at this point is keep calling and hoping.
Jennifer Jo. Fay
Copyrighted July 10, 2014