Head on over to Roots and Rings to link up to Ten on Tuesday!

1. How do you eat your eggs?
I don't. I think eggs are so disgusting. I can't even stand the smell of them cooking. yuck.
2. Do you volunteer?
I do. I volunteer in the church nursery at least once a month.
3. What’s your favorite brand of jeans?
Premonition. I bought my first pair on ideeli.com. Then the second pair mysteriously disappeared after UPS dropped it off... even though UPS says they left it at the door and my old roommate says they didn't leave it at the door. She opened the door when they knocked and told them I didn't live there anymore and to send it back... SO you can come to your own conclusions on that. I can't pay full price so I am waiting for another ideeli sale to come around.
4. What was your child’s first word? Or what was your first word?
Mine depends on who you ask. My biological mom says it was "ma" but my dad says it was "dada."
The Boyfriend's daughter's first word was dada, but we're not sure she knows what it means because it can be "da" "dada" or "dadadadadadada." haha Last weekend she was making "th" and "s" sounds so I think she's close to saying more things. She talks to herself, but it just sounds like gibberish from what I can understand. It's super cute.
5. Can you french braid?
No, but I've always wanted to!
6. Do you prefer wide rule, college rule, or blank paper?
College rule for sure. I can't write (or draw, or highlight) in a straight line so blank paper is terrible for me. I mostly prefer yellow legal pads, in the 8 1/2 inch size. The 11" ones are too long.
7. Is there a specific treat do you always make during the holidays?
No, but that's because I just learned how to make treats last year. Maybe I'll start a tradition.... hmmmm.
8. Do you have a KitchenAid mixer? Do you want one?
Yes I have one and I think it’s amazing. (I'll just ditto Chelsea's answer.)
9. What kind of computer do you use?
A 13" MacBook.
10. Favorite Christmas movie?
The Holiday.