A special thank you to Latorsha of Life is Hard, Laugh Anyway, for being Pibbles & the Hormonal Heathen's very first Featured Guest. Many, many thanks Latorsha! I loved the post and I believe so did the readers!
Now that brings me to looking for more
Featured Guests. Since my blog is a little bit of this, a little bit of that, I'll let you choose your topic (and remember, my blog is uncensored) so that opens it up to you really blogging your heart out! :) No pressure either. If you agree to being a Featured Guest, all I ask is that you submit a post (with or without pics) to me within three (3) weeks.
So if you're interested, please let me know. Either reply via comment here and/or email me at [email protected].
Thank you again Latorsha and thank you to anyone who may be interested! :)