Self Expression Magazine

The Blue Screen of Death…

Posted on the 17 February 2014 by Martinisandminivans @martinisandmini

blue screnSo remember how I talked about going to heaven and back. Well…it seems that fate stepped in and wished that I had just stayed in Mexico.

The first day home went something like this:

6:00 am: Write post about how glorious vacation went and how happy I am to be home with my children. Happy warm feelings.

9:00 am: Turn back on my computer and receive blue screen of death. Not happy warm feelings.

9:01 am: Begin hyperventilating because I hadn’t yet backed up my computer from the last month of work. That includes writing two chapters of my book in Mexico.

9:03 am: Call husband in tears and he assures me that it will be ok. I curse at him and tell him to stop trying to solve my problems.

9:04 am: Call back husband and ask him to please solve my problem.

9:05 am: Kids ask for breakfast because they are oblivious to my pain and just want eggs and sausage. I burn the eggs just out of spite.

9:10 – 5 pm: Must pretend to be a focused mother parenting her children while googling “blue screen of death remedies” every five minutes.

5:01 pm: Call husband and ask him when he is coming home.

5:05 pm: Call husband again to make sure he doesn’t have any car trouble or reasons he will be late.

5:15 pm: Kiss the children and run out the door when my husband’s car pulls in. Leave raw meat on the counter for dinner.

5:25 pm: Run into Best Buy like a raving lunatic to see Geek Squad, only for them to tell me that my motherboard is trashed and I’ll need a new computer. However, he’s confident that data is not lost. However, it will cost $175 to put it all on external hard drive.

5:45 pm: Good friend messages me to tell me that she can help and is able to get the data off my computer. $175 saved, yet I realize I’m still in my pajamas and potentially have not brushed my teeth once during the day.

8:00 pm: Put kids to bed, and wonder what the hell I should do now without a computer. Very strange eerie feeling. Don’t like it.

8:05 pm: Borrow my husband’s computer because it feels like my fingers are going through withdrawals and aching to type.

7:00 am the next morning: New computer ordered.

So through this experience, I’ve learned that fate likes to read blogs and then mock them. Obviously it laughed when I said I was in heaven and decided to shake things up a bit. Ok, ok, fate, you win. I see the irony that the blue screen of death looked exactly like my pictures of the ocean in Mexico.

Well played fate, well played.

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