There are only so many times you can read Ninja Turtle books or even worse, the Disney Princess Palace Pet series. I can almost feel the brain cells exiting my body through my mouth when I read them to my kids.
So when we received The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt as a present for my daughter’s birthday, I was thrilled to take a break and dive into something new with the kiddos. By page two, we were cracking up and I knew that I wanted to write about it for The Washington Post’s parenting section, On Parenting.
It’s seriously a book for all ages. And that peach crayon, oh how I love the letter from peach crayon.
Come read my take on it all. It’s an awesome book for kids for the holidays. No one is even paying me to say that. It’s just simply a book I loved. We all did.
To read my post, click HERE.