Self Expression Magazine

The Ingredients of a Perfect Day, #1236

Posted on the 19 October 2015 by Juliezaz1 @juliezaz1

A truly perfect day is an arbitrary standard that most people, in my opinion, take for granted.  Perfection is rarely attainable, but every once in awhile, it can be achieved and result in pure magic.  It has to be an excellent blend of the finest ingredients, and ahhhhhh….yesterday was one of those days for me.    So, blog friends, I thought I would share with you what makes up a perfect day.

No Alarm Clocks

 The Ingredients of a Perfect Day, #1236 
You absolutely cannot have a perfect day if you have a rigid schedule to follow.  There is freedom in being spontaneous, and a “go with the flow” mentality is essential for real relaxation.

Find Beauty

 The Ingredients of a Perfect Day, #1236 

Surrounding yourself in nature or a peaceful environment is good for the soul.  For me, my most happiest places are where I’m inspired to take pictures with my camera.  I could be in the woods, the mountains, but yesterday, I was on the beach.  From blue skies to sunset, breathing in the salty air and listening to the lull of the waves feeds my soul and sets me off to the clearest of mindsets and fullest heart.

Friends and Family

There is nothing like dear friends, and twice yesterday, I got to share my perfect day with friends from the past and was able to share and introduce them to my family.  Reconnecting with people you love and watching your family interact with their family and even get along, too, is just about as good as it gets.  I love these people, and so does my family.  We laughed and talked, and oh…that just felt great!

 The Ingredients of a Perfect Day, #1236  
The Ingredients of a Perfect Day, #1236 

Falling Asleep With a Smile

 The Ingredients of a Perfect Day, #1236 

You know you had a perfect day when you crawl into bed at the end of the day in pure exhaustion.  This is an indicator that your day was full.  The smile that falls across your face as your head hits the pillow after recalling the details is ultimate satisfaction and represents that if you had to do it all over again, you wouldn’t change a thing.

Lou Reed summed it up in the most perfect way.  Here is his “Perfect Day.”  I only hope to have another day like that sooner rather than later, because there’s nothing better.

I’m writing on the road today and don’t have the same access to technology that I am used to.  I am unable to embed the video into my post, but CLICK HERE, and you will be redirected to YouTube to watch “A Perfect Day.” Thanks for bearing with me!  Hope you all have a perfect day, too!

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