While sitting at swim class watching my kids take lessons, I thought about why I was there and why I looked so forward to it each week. And it hit me. I was there because it was the one time a week that I could see my children but not have to hear them. It’s truly the way parenting should be.
So I thought about my kids’ other activities, and here’s why I take them to each.
Toddler music class: Yeah, yeah, I want to expose them to music and all that good development stuff. But the truth is, I want to have my kid confined to a small enclosed area that he can’t escape while I discuss the latest developments happening on my reality TV programs. And I want to do songs where someone else has to remember all the words and finger gestures.
Tumbling class: This is the place where my almost 3 year old son can tackle things other than his sister. It’s also the place where he can jump off crap without the concern of major head trauma, unlike the daily activities in our home which consist of me coming out of the bathroom and finding him jumping from the top of the bookcase onto the couch, or again, onto his sister.
Play dates: A cheap and easy way to get new toys for my kid to play with when he is sick of his own. Plus, it’s another opportunity to discuss reality television with another human being who is also attempting to ignore their child.
Community center playtime: So I can successfully never have to open a can of PlayDoh in my home.