I’ll see you tonight my little bottle of love
Today is October 1. For many who are Catholic, there is Christmas. For those who are Jewish, there is Hanukkah. And for those who thought up the ridiculous idea of not drinking the entire month of September – we have October 1. The best day ever to be put on a calendar. Because today is the first day of Awesome October! The end of not drinking! The beginning of destroying my liver! Opening up the bottle of wine tonight will be the same joy children feel opening up their presents from Santa.
So what sort of results did the month produce?
Honestly – not much.
I lost 6 pounds, then put 3 back on from ridiculous amounts of snacking I did. So all in all, I don’t think a month of depriving myself of a relaxing glass of wine at the end of the night was worth a lousy 3 pounds.
It probably would have been a good idea to, I don’t know, try to exercise and eat healthy. But hell, that was just too many changes at once. It probably also would have been a good idea to not let Little Debbie and her damn snack cakes into my home, but again, why cut off all my forms of happiness.
But I’m glad I did it. Not for anything to do with weight or healthiness or that crap. I’m happy I did it because I got to stick it to my husband and prove him wrong. Which, for those who are married know, is the ultimate form of happiness between two people who love each other dearly.
So thank you Sober September for giving me the opportunity to say “BOO-YA!” to my husband. It’s moments like this that really bring couples together.